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Work Days Complete!

On Sept. 14-15, OTG crews completed work on the Full Moon Trail.  The team of 7 OTG members cleared downed trees and brush and performed substantial tread improvements on the trail.  A barbecue and camping under a full moon completed the weekend.

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Voyager Youth Help OTG with Trail Recon!

Big thanks to Jill Parisi and the Voyager Youth Program. The Voyager kids learned about trail recon and helped with trash cleanup on a future section of the Perimeter Trail. The group plans to hike up to the area monthly to clean up and report any problems.

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Cow Creek and Stealey Mt. Work Weekend

On Sept. 3-4 OTG wilderness trail crews cleared and improved the Cow Creek and Stealey Mountain South trails.  On day one, a 4-person crew cleared encroaching brush and tree saplings and improved trail drainage and tread surfaces on the first few miles of both trails.  On both days, a 3-person saw team cleared about 60 downed trees on the Cow Creek Trail, opening it for hiker and horse travel from the FS Rd. 857 trailhead up to near treeline, about 4.5 miles up the trail.  The biggest concentration of trees was in avalanche slide paths where piles of trees were blocking the trail.  Roy and Trevor Jackson of Cow Creek Outfitters kindly volunteered horses to pack the saw crew’s overnight camp equipment up the trail.

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