About Ouray Trail Group
Tasked with keeping the trails around Ouray in great shape. Enjoy!

Our Mission
The Ouray Trail Group was founded in 1986 for the purpose of stewarding safe and enjoyable hiking in the San Juan Mountains while preserving their beauty and natural resources. In addition to restoring and maintaining historic hiking trails, OTG works cooperatively with others to preserve the fascinating but fragile remnants of the 19th Century Mining Era trails throughout the region.
To accomplish this, we coordinate trail restoration, maintenance and sign work with the U.S. Forest Service; publish a hiking guide and map; maintain a website; create and maintain trail registers; and organize trail stewardship days and training opportunities for our volunteers.
Most importantly, members have the opportunity to take a stewardship role in protecting, preserving and maintaining the natural and recreational resources we all enjoy.

Board of Directors and Advisors
Steve Lankenau
Vice President
Mike Waters
Greg Hadjian
April Calabro
At Large
Frank Robertson
At Large
John Hulburd
Nordic Council Chair
Joanie Gibbs
Technical Advisor
Chris Haaland
Ouray County Nordic Council Advisors
Ben Tisdel
Eric Fagrelius
Ross Williams
Dale Yocum
Bill Leo
Mike Nadiak
Membership Information
The membership of the Ouray Trail Group is voluntary, and new members are always welcome. To join OTG and be placed on an email list to receive notice of meeting dates, projects, and more, click below.