OTG Trail Map News!
The 1st Edition, created and published in 1986 by OTG, under the direction of Bill Forsythe, Rich Spaulding and others, showed 13 local trails and their descriptions against a background of six USGS topo maps. It was an instant success, providing crucial income for the new group. It was redone every two years as new trails and information were added.
During the summer of 2001, Risch and Roger Smith redesigned the map, increased the topographic sections to 12 and wrote new trail descriptions for the 40 trails shown on the map. Their 9th Edition, published in 2002, also featured colored topography and emphasized the county roads necessary for trail access from Blue Lakes to the East Fork of the Cimarron and from Owl Creek Pass to Red Mountain Pass. Risch produced the 10th through 13th Editions, as the featured trails grew to 84.
OTG’s new map will be available late this spring, just in time for the new decade's summer trail season. The 13th Edition is available today for digital download on Avenza. Click Here! or use the QR code below.
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