Your help is needed and appreciated!

Help us maintain and restore hiking trails in and around Ouray County. OTG provides trail stewardship under a Volunteer Service Agreement with the US Forest Service and in partnership with local governments and landowners to keep some of America’s most dramatic and beautiful trails safe and sustainable. To participate, join the Ouray Trail Group, and sign up for one of the scheduled trips below. You will receive updates and news by email.
COMING SOON: 2025 Trail Stewardship Trips
2024 Trail Stewardship Trips
OTG has developed an exciting trailwork calendar that will accommodate most people's schedules, ensuring there is an opportunity to provide trail stewardship for everyone, and everyone is welcome to join. Some multi-day trips will have pack support with horses, mules or llamas to help carry camp and personal gear in and out. You will enjoy some of the most scenic trails in Colorado while removing down trees or encroaching brush and repairing trails from erosion problems. You will leave the wild with the camaraderie that comes with meeting new friends and helping keep our public land trails safe and sustainable. The trips below require registration, and space may be limited.
Contact Ouray Trail Group at contactus@ouraytrails.org for additional information about each trip. Your registration below will help us with planning for tools and transportation.
Single Day Trail Work happens every Monday and Thursday on Ouray/Ridgway local trails from May through September. Join OTG below to receive weekly emails that include information about meetup locations and what to bring. Click to be added to the mailing list for weekly work opportunities.
June 1st: Community Work Day- Meet at Fellin Park in Ouray to join a crew in a day of trail work on Ouray area trails. Lunch provided. There will be an afternoon session available to those who would like to learn more about assessing a trail’s condition and needs. Plan to walk part of the Perimeter Trail and learn how to spot issues that need help and determine what to work on with John Hulburd.
Multi-day Trail Work Trips- send an email to contactus@ouraytrails.org for more information about these multi-day trips scheduled throughout the summer. Register by clicking the button below this list. Registration helps us plan for tools and pack support.
June 8-9 Baldy Ridge / Cutler Creek, Trail Crew Leader Kevin
June 22-23 Little Cimarron, Trail Crew Leader Frank
July 6-7 Richmond West, Trail Crew Leader Frank
July 20-21 Wetterhorn Basin/West Fork, Trail Crew Leader Jenny
August 3-4 Dallas and Corbett Trails, Trail Crew Leader, Rich
August 17-18 Cow Creek, Trail Crew Leader Rich
September 7-8 Stealey South, Trail Crew Leader John
September 21-22 East Fork (condition-dependent)

Trail Register Maintenance:
These folks are responsible for collecting and replacing trail register sheets at trailheads. We maintain 39 trail register boxes, and you may sign up for whatever you are able to do. Contact Jennifer Cram, contactus@ouraytrails.com for more information.

Membership Information
The membership of the Ouray Trail Group is voluntary, and new members are always welcome. To join OTG and be placed on an email list to receive notice of meeting dates, projects, and more, click below. OTG membership is free!