Volunteer Training Opportunities!

Education is part of our mission, and so is ensuring safety and improving trail skills for our volunteers. Ouray Trail Group will offer the following training opportunities for the 2025 work season. Choose one or all of these great offerings from OTG and our support organizations. Online registration has opened for some of our courses, so read the training descriptions below, and click on the appropriate form to reserve your spot.
Questions? Please email at training@ouraytrails.org

First Aid, CPR, & Stop the Bleed Class @ Montrose Regional Hospital
For OTG Volunteers and/or Trail Crew Leaders with First Aid certifications that expire in 2025, OTG is requesting you complete an online renewal process plus a hands-on refresher session. Please email training@ourytrails.org for more information.
Classes will be held at Montrose Regional Hospital. There are two opportunites to take the class before the chainsaw/crosscut traing. These are on March 19th & April 9th. To enroll, please email education@montrosehealth.com or call
Below are other times when the class will be offered at the hospital.

Chainsaw and Crosscut Saw Training: Apr 19-20
Clearing downed trees using chainsaws is an essential part of OTG’s volunteer trail maintenance work. The use of hand-powered crosscut saws is required in Wilderness situations and desirable in some backcountry situations. Learn the skills to become a certified chainsaw and crosscut sawyer! Participants who complete this U.S. Forest Service-approved course will receive Forest Service sawyer certification for limbing and bucking downed trees which is required to operate a saw with Ouray Trail Group.
A 2-day course will be held April 19 and 20. The first day will be classroom training indoors and the second day will be out in the field. This course is geared toward those wishing to become certified or for those who need recertification and are at the "A" level.
Prerequisite: Current Adult First Aid and CPR certification by the American Red Cross or equivalent, please bring your certificate.
Minimum age: 18

Trail Crew Leader Training: May 10
We are in need of new Trail Crew Leaders and would love to have a good turnout. Even if you don’t want to lead a trip initially, you can learn by working with experienced Trail Crew Leaders through backcountry trips that we plan to have this summer.
A one-day Trail Crew Leader course will be held on Saturday, May 10th will be lead by John Hulburd. He is a certified OSI/VOC instructor and has a wealth of knowledge to share in trail building, construction, and maintenance!
Please email Steve Lankenau at lankenau.steve1@gmail.com if interested in this class.
Prerequisite: Adult First Aid-CPR Certification by the American Red Cross or equivalent.
Minimum age: 18.