TRAILHEAD (Corbett Creek):
The Corbett and Dallas Trails share a common trailhead at this end of the Dallas Trail. Drive 2.1 miles north of Ouray Hot Springs Pool on Hwy 550, then left across the Uncompahgre River. Immediately after the bridge, turn sharp right along the river. After 1.4 miles, the trailhead is on the left just after crossing Corbett Creek. Parking: Along the road at the trailhead.
The Dallas Trail starts off on switchbacks along red cliff ledges, with views across the valley. Use caution on these sections. Farther on, there are glimpses down into the gorge of Corbett Creek. The trails divide at 0.9 mile; the Corbett Trail goes straight ahead. Turn right (north) for the Dallas Trail. The Corbett/Dallas Loop can be taken at this point. From the River Road to Moonshine Park is a round trip of 7.8 miles with an altitude gain of 2,330 feet. The round trip all the way to County Road 5 is 9.0 miles. For more description of the trail, see the narrative following the "TRAILHEAD (Middle Dallas)" information below.
TRAILHEAD (Middle Dallas):
On Highway 62, going west out of Ridgway, turn left at the west end of town on County Road 5 and drive approximately 8 miles south to Forest Road 852 and the trailhead. Park there. The Dallas Trail (west), which is like an old road, is to the right and is marked by a blue diamond. After climbing a small hill and crossing a stream, at 0.4 miles the trail enters an open meadow with views of Whitehouse, Ridgway, Teakettle, and "No Name" mountains. One mile from the Forest Road, the trail crosses Beaver Creek, and 0.3 miles beyond that, the trail makes a switchback to the left and is marked by a blue diamond. The trail continues west, comes to a junction with the Blaine Basin trail, and then continues west to the western trailhead off County Road 7.
Follow Forest Road 852 east for 1.4 miles to the Dallas Trail (east). There are two old posts in an open meadow at this point. Traveling east, the trail passes a cutoff to the Burn Ski Hut, and then on to Moonshine Park. This meadow offers an expansive eastern view including Courthouse, Wetterhorn Peak, Bridge of Heaven and the Amphitheater. Continue 3.9 miles further east to the River Road (Corbett Creek) trailhead.
TRAILHEAD (West Dallas):
From the intersection of Hwys 550 and 62 at Ridgway, go west on 62 for 4.8 miles. At the East Dallas Creek Road, turn left and drive 8.8 miles past Willow Swamp and the Forest Boundary to a locked gate. Park here. On the road south from the locked gate, keep going straight to where the Blue Lakes Trail takes off to the right. This is the Dallas Trail #200.
The first mile is open to motorbikes and ATVs. From the register, go straight, then turn left on a wooden bridge over East Dallas Creek and follow the road. Stay left at two side roads; at 1 mile, take the right fork, crossing Wilson Creek on a two log bridge. (All of these crossing are difficult in high water.) Go right at the junction beyond the creek; the second crossing at 1.5 miles - a side track goes toward the falls. The Blaine Basin trail branches off at 2.3 miles, just .2 mile from where the trail turns sharply left from the creek. Go left from this junction, cross a dry wash, and continue on an easy trail to a ridge at 3.4 miles. Turn left and travel .2 mile for the Wilson Creek Summit. Once past the crest, on the main trail, go downhill to a road at 3.9 miles. Stay right through the woods to the Ridgway Ski Hut (4.7 miles). After a mile of switchbacks and curves, go right at a road junction; after another road, go right again. Cross Beaver Creek (6.4 miles) and arrrive at Miller Mesa Road (County Road 5) at 7.4 miles. You may exit here, or continue east on Forest Road 852 as described above under "TRAILHEAD (Middle Dallas).
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