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OTG Closes on Land Purchase

The Perimeter Trail west of Ouray includes a section where hikers must walk along Oak Street,  but OTG has found an exciting new opportunity to extend the trail northward so that it reaches Oak Street at the City Shop, where the trail continues east across a footbridge and into Fellin Park near the City Pool and Visitor’s Center.  The new trail section will be about 0.3 miles long, and will eliminate the current section along Oak Street.  Best of all, the new section will have spectacular views of the City and surrounding valley and mountains.

Former OTG president, Bob Risch, had always hoped to build the trail in this area, which is mostly privately owned but had not been able to secure ownership or right of way from the owners of two parcels—until now.  After several years of cordial conversation with OTG, the owner of the Brown Lode mining claim agreed to sell, and early this past October OTG purchased the 8-acre parcel.  Another landowner to the north has agreed to a boundary adjustment that will allow the proposed PT Extension to reach from the Brown Lode to Ouray City property, and the City of Ouray has signaled its support for the trail to descend to Oak Street on City property and work with OTG to develop a more user-friendly trailhead with parking on Oak Street across from the City Shop.

The proposed trail extension will also cross National Forest in 2 short sections, and the U.S. Forest Service is working with OTG to provide required environmental analysis and approval for those sections.  This winter OTG will continue pursuing the boundary adjustment, Forest Service approval, and further refinement of the route, which may include a short suspension bridge over a rocky crevice.  After more details are worked out, we will kick off a fundraising campaign that will likely include grant applications and private donation requests.  Stay tuned for details!  


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